Projets suivis (sans dépendance avec BTW ENGINE)

ID Nom Créateur Licence Dernière version Dernière mise à jour Voir
#1 akeneo-all Akeneo SAS OSL- 12/12/2024   62
#2 akeneo4 Akeneo SAS OSL-   
#3 akeneo5 Akeneo SAS OSL- 08/02/2023   
#4 akeneo6 Akeneo SAS OSL- 08/10/2024   127
#5 akeneo7 Akeneo SAS OSL- 12/12/2024   62
#6 apache2 Contributors Apache- 23/01/2025   20
#7 apache2-maxminddb Contributors Apache- 03/02/2020   
#8 apache2-pagespeed Contributors Apache- 10/02/2020   
#9 aptly Aptly Authors MIT1.5.0 1.6.028/06/2022   
#10 cachetool Samuel Gordalina MIT9.2.1 15/11/2024   89
#11 composer-all Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano MIT2.8.5 21/01/2025   22
#12 composer1 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano MIT1.10.27 29/09/2023   502
#13 composer2 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano MIT2.8.5 21/01/2025   22
#14 composer22-lts Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano MIT2.2.25 11/12/2024   63
#15 coreruleset-all Contributors Apache- 4.11.029/12/2024   45
#16 coreruleset3 Contributors Apache- 29/10/2024   106
#17 diff BSD-3-Clause6.0.2 7.0.003/07/2024   224
#18 dolibarr Contributors GPL- 30/12/2024   44
#19 drupal-all Contributors GPL- 11.1.206/01/2025   37
#20 drupal7 Contributors GPL-2.07.103 04/12/2024   70
#21 drupal11 Contributors GPL- 11.1.206/01/2025   37
#22 drush Contributors GPL- 10/11/2024   94
#23 elasticsearch-all Contributors Apache- 8.17.221/01/2025   22
#24 elasticsearch6 Contributors Apache- 13/01/2022   
#25 elasticsearch7 Contributors Apache- 14/01/2025   29
#26 elasticsearch8 Contributors Apache- 8.17.221/01/2025   22
#27 geoipupdate Contributors Apache- 18/11/2024   86
#28 git - GPL- 13/01/2025   30
#29 gitlab Contributors MIT17.8.1 22/01/2025   21
#30 haproxy Contributors GPL/LGPL3.1.0 26/11/2024   78
#31 iana-ip4 IANA -2023121818/12/2023   422
#32 ioncube IonCube Owners14.4.030/01/2025   13
#33 joomla Contributors GPL- 07/01/2025   36
#34 laravel - MIT11.6.1 28/01/2025   15
#35 lynis Contributors GPL- 28/01/2025   15
#36 magento2-all - OSL- 2.4.8-beta208/10/2024   127
#37 magento22 - OSL-   
#38 magento23 - OSL-   
#39 magento24 - OSL- 2.4.8-beta208/10/2024   127
#40 magento244 - OSL- 2.4.4-p1208/10/2024   127
#41 magento245 - OSL- 2.4.5-p1108/10/2024   127
#42 magento246 - OSL- 2.4.6-p908/10/2024   127
#43 magento247 - OSL- 2.4.7-p408/10/2024   127
#44 magento248 - OSL- 2.4.8-beta208/10/2024   127
#45 marello Madia B.V. OSL- 17/01/2025   26
#46 mariadb-all Contributors GPL- 17/12/2024   57
#47 mariadb10.5 Contributors GPL- 10.5.2801/11/2024   103
#48 mariadb10.11 Contributors GPL- 10.11.1101/11/2024   103
#49 mediawiki Contributors GPL- 20/12/2024   54
#50 memcache Danga Interactive, Inc. BSD-3-Clause1.6.34 1.6.3623/12/2024   51
#51 modsecurity-all Contributors Apache- 03/09/2024   162
#52 modsecurity2 Contributors Apache- 03/09/2024   162
#53 modsecurity3 Contributors Apache- 03/09/2024   162
#54 mozilla-cacert - MPL 2.02024123131/12/2024   43
#55 mydumper MyDumper GPL- 0.17.2-2024/01/2025   19
#56 mysql-all Oracle GPL- 15/12/2025   305
#57 mysql-tuner MySQL Tuner GPL- 06/08/2024   190
#58 mysql80 Oracle GPL- 16/12/2025   306
#59 nodejs-all Contributors Node.js23.7.0 30/01/2025   13
#60 nodejs12 Contributors Node.js12.22.12 05/04/2022   
#61 nodejs14 Contributors Node.js14.21.3 16/02/2023   727
#62 nodejs18 Contributors Node.js18.20.6 21/01/2025   22
#63 nodejs20 Contributors Node.js20.18.2 20.18.321/01/2025   22
#64 openssl-all Contributors Apache- 3.4.122/10/2024   113
#65 openssl111 Contributors Apache- 20/09/2023   511
#66 php-all The PHP Group PHP- 8.4.417/01/2025   26
#67 php-xdebug Derick Rethans Xdebug- 06/01/2025   37
#68 php56 The PHP Group PHP-   
#69 php70 The PHP Group PHP-   
#70 php71 The PHP Group PHP-   
#71 php72 The PHP Group PHP-   
#72 php73 The PHP Group PHP-   
#73 php74 The PHP Group PHP- 31/10/2022   
#74 php80 The PHP Group PHP- 03/08/2023   559
#75 php81 The PHP Group PHP- 19/11/2024   85
#76 php82 The PHP Group PHP- 20/12/2024   54
#77 php83 The PHP Group PHP- 8.3.1717/01/2025   26
#78 php84 The PHP Group PHP- 8.4.417/01/2025   26
#79 phpmyadmin Contributors GPL- 21/01/2025   22
#80 phpunit BSD-3-Clause11.5.6 12.0.231/01/2025   12
#81 prestashop-all Prestashop OSL- 9.0.0-beta.126/09/2024   139
#82 prestashop6 Prestashop OSL- 02/05/2019   
#83 prestashop7 Prestashop OSL- 02/01/2024   407
#84 prestashop80 Prestashop OSL- 07/08/2023   555
#85 prestashop81 Prestashop OSL- 24/06/2024   233
#86 prestashop82 Prestashop OSL- 26/09/2024   139
#87 privatebin PrivateBin GPL- 1.7.616/11/2024   88
#88 redis-all Salvatore Sanfilippo -7.4.1 8.0-m04-int04/10/2024   131
#89 redis6 Salvatore Sanfilippo -6.2.17 06/01/2025   37
#90 redis7 Salvatore Sanfilippo -7.4.2 06/01/2025   37
#91 semver SVS -2.0.0 18/06/2013   
#92 shopware Shopware AG MIT6.6.9.0 03/12/2024   71
#93 spectre-meltdown-checker Contributors GPL-3.00.46 26/07/2023   567
#94 symfony-all Fabien Potencier MIT7.2.3 29/01/2025   14
#95 symfony3 Fabien Potencier MIT3.4.4919/05/2021   
#96 symfony4 Fabien Potencier MIT4.4.51 10/11/2023   460
#97 symfony5 Fabien Potencier MIT5.4.49 29/11/2024   75
#98 symfony6 Fabien Potencier MIT6.4.18 29/01/2025   14
#99 symfony7 Fabien Potencier MIT7.2.3 29/01/2025   14
#100 sysbench Contributors GPL- 24/04/2020   
#101 Contributors GPL- 3.2rc413/06/2024   244
#102 thirtybees - MIT1.6.0 04/11/2024   100
#103 varnish-all Varnish Software AS -7.6.1 08/11/2024   96
#104 varnish-modules Varnish Software AS -0.25.0 13/09/2024   152
#105 varnish60lts Varnish Software AS -6.0.13 18/03/2024   331
#106 varnish73 Varnish Software AS -7.3.2 18/03/2024   331
#107 varnish75 Varnish Software AS -7.5.0 18/03/2024   331
#108 veracrypt Contributors Apache- 1.26.2003/09/2024   162
#109 wkhtmltopdf Contributors LGPL- 10/06/2020   
#110 woocommerce Contributors GPL- 9.6.116/01/2025   27
#111 wordfence-cli Contributors GPL- 07/11/2024   97
#112 wordpress-all Contributors GPL- 6.7.221/11/2024   83
#113 wordpress47 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#114 wordpress49 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#115 wordpress50 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#116 wordpress53 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#117 wordpress54 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#118 wordpress55 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#119 wordpress57 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#120 wordpress60 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#121 wordpress61 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#122 wordpress62 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#123 wordpress63 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#124 wordpress64 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#125 wordpress65 Contributors GPL- 24/06/2024   233
#126 wordpress66 Contributors GPL- 10/09/2024   155
#127 wordpress67 Contributors GPL- 6.7.221/11/2024   83
#128 wp-cli WP-CLI Development Group MIT2.11.0 08/08/2024   188
#129 yara The YARA Authors BSD-3-Clause4.5.2 10/09/2024   155
#130 yara_rules Contributors GPL-2.02022041212/04/2022   

Copyrights & suivi des dépendances de BTW ENGINE 1.5.0

Librairies back-end (PHP, MySQL, Perl, Python, Java, Bash)
ID Nom Créateur Licence Version exploitée Dernière mise à jour Voir
#131 assert Bernhard Schussek MIT1.11.0 03/06/2022   
#132 base58php Stephen Hill MIT1.1.5 22/08/2019   
#133 btw_core BSD-3-Clause1.5.0 17/08/2024   179
#134 btw_hypervisor Commercial5.2.15 31/12/2024   43
#135 btw_medoo Angel Lai (Fork by VG - Object support) MIT1.1.0 17/08/2024   179
#136 btw_news BSD-3-Clause1.4.0 01/01/2017   
#137 btw_supervisor Commercial5.2.15 31/12/2024   43
#138 btw_supervisor_backup Commercial1.1.2 15/04/2022   
#139 btw_ticket Commercial1.0.8 25/05/2017   
#140 btw_tree BSD-3-Clause1.5.0 29/12/2016   
#141 constant_time_encoding Paragon Initiative Enterprises MIT3.0.0 08/05/2024   280
#142 crawler-detect Mark Beech MIT1.3.1 1.3.220/01/2025   23
#143 cron-expression Michael Dowling MIT3.4.0 09/10/2024   126
#144 csv Ignace Nyamagana Butera MIT9.21.0 08/01/2025   35
#145 device-detector Contributors LGPL- 17/01/2025   26
#146 faker François Zaninotto MIT1.9.2 11/12/2020   
#147 github Miloslav Hůla MIT2.0.3 24/11/2024   80
#148 google-closure-compiler The Closure Compiler Apache-2.020240317 2024060917/03/2024   332
#149 googleauthenticator Michael Kliewe BSD-2-Clause1.0.1 08/10/2016   
#150 guzzle-http MIT7.9.2 24/07/2024   203
#151 guzzle-promise MIT2.0.4 17/10/2024   118
#152 guzzle-psr7 MIT2.7.0 18/07/2024   209
#153 hashids MIT5.0.2 23/03/2023   692
#154 html2pdf Laurent Minguet LGPL- 08/01/2025   35
#155 htmlpurifier HTML Purifier LGPL- 01/11/2024   103
#156 intervention Oliver Vogel MIT2.7.2 3.11.121/05/2022   
#157 iso3166 Rob Bast MIT4.3.2 10/10/2024   125
#158 maxmind_db_reader_php MaxMind Apache- 14/11/2024   90
#159 medoo Angel Lai MIT2.1.12 03/02/2024   375
#160 mimetype MIT2.0.3 13/07/2023   580
#161 minify Matthias Mullie MIT1.3.73 15/03/2024   334
#162 path-converter Matthias Mullie MIT1.1.3 23/01/2020   
#163 php-fig-http-client PHP Framework Interoperability Group MIT1.0.3 23/09/2023   508
#164 php-fig-http-message PHP Framework Interoperability Group MIT2.0 17/04/2023   667
#165 php-ftp-client Nicolas Tallefourtane MIT2.0.2 10/08/2022   
#166 php-ip-tools Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN MIT1.2.1 23/10/2016   
#167 php-ovh OVH SAS BSD-3-Clause3.4.0 27/09/2024   138
#168 php-qrcode Smiley MIT5.0.3 21/11/2024   83
#169 php-settings-container Smiley MIT3.2.1 16/07/2024   211
#170 phpmailer PHPMailer LGPL- 24/11/2024   80
#171 phpseclib3 TerraFrost and other contributors MIT3.0.43 14/12/2024   60
#172 recaptcha Google Inc. BSD-3-Clause1.3.0 18/02/2023   725
#173 rss-php David Grudl BSD-3-Clause1.5 25/11/2020   
#174 sitemap Alexander Makarov BSD-3-Clause2.4.1 01/11/2023   469
#175 spyc Vladimir Andersen MIT0.6.3 10/09/2019   
#176 symfony-polyfill-ctype Fabien Potencier MIT1.31.0 09/09/2024   156
#177 symfony-polyfill-mbstring Fabien Potencier MIT1.31.0 09/09/2024   156
#178 symfony-polyfill-php80 Fabien Potencier MIT1.31.0 09/09/2024   156
#179 symfony-var-dumper-all Fabien Potencier MIT7.2.3 29/01/2025   14
#180 symfony-var-dumper5 Fabien Potencier MIT5.4.48 27/11/2024   77
#181 symfony-var-dumper7 Fabien Potencier MIT7.2.3 29/01/2025   14
#182 symfony-yaml-all Fabien Potencier MIT7.2.3 29/01/2025   14
#183 symfony-yaml5 Fabien Potencier MIT5.4.45 27/10/2024   108
#184 symfony-yaml7 Fabien Potencier MIT7.2.3 29/01/2025   14
#185 tcpdf LGPL- 26/01/2025   17
#186 workerman MIT4.1.17 5.1.007/11/2024   97
#187 yubikey Chris Cornutt -3.9 02/12/2024   72
Librairies front-end (Javascript, HTML, CSS, Polices)
ID Nom Créateur Licence Version exploitée Dernière mise à jour Voir
#188 admin_lte Abdullah Almsaeed MIT2.3.11 4.0.0-beta317/01/2017   
#189 bootstrap Twitter Inc. MIT3.4.1 5.3.313/02/2013   
#189         - datepicker UX Solutions Apache- 1.10.020/05/2019   
#190         - social Panayiotis Lipiridis MIT5.1.1 22/11/2016   
#191         - submenu Vasily A. MIT2.0.4 3.0.119/03/2016   
#192         - toolkit Maciej Gurban MIT2.6.3 21/06/2016   
#194 chart.js Nick Downie MIT2.9.4 4.4.719/10/2020   
#195 ckeditor CKSource - Frederico Knabben LGPL- 4.25.1-lts30/06/2023   593
#196 egg Mike Flynn MIT1.0 15/12/2016   
#197 fastclick The Financial Times Ltd MIT1.0.6 01/05/2016   
#198 fine-uploader Widen Enterprises, Inc. MIT5.16.2 10/04/2018   
#199 font-awesome Font Awesome MIT & OFL- 6.7.214/10/2016   
#200 fullcalendar Adam Shaw MIT3.9.0 6.1.1605/03/2018   
#201 gmaps Gustavo Leon MIT0.4.25 05/03/2017   
#202 google-analytics Google inc -2021042020/04/2021   
#203 jquery JS Foundation Apache- 4.0.0-beta.228/08/2023   534
#203         - browser Gabriel Cebrian MIT0.1.0 23/11/2015   
#204         - btw_back BSD-3-Clause1.0.12 10/08/2022   
#205         - btw_core BSD-3-Clause1.1.7 11/02/2019   
#206         - btw_mailto BSD-3-Clause1.0.1 20/12/2016   
#207         - datatables SpryMedia Limited MIT1.10.20 1.10.2113/03/2020   
#208         - dropify Jeremy FAGIS MIT0.2.2 19/03/2017   
#209         - jcycle M. Alsup MIT & GPL- 3.0.311/07/2013   
#210         - jqueryui jQuery Foundation Apache- 1.14.114/07/2022   
#211         - js-url Websanova MIT2.5.3 2.6.305/04/2018   
#212         - jstree Ivan Bozhanov MIT3.3.12 3.3.1712/09/2021   
#213         - lazyload Mika Tuupola MIT1.9.7 2.0.0-rc.226/08/2015   
#214         - magnific-popup Dmitry Semenov MIT1.1.0 1.2.020/02/2016   
#215         - scrollto Ariel Flesler MIT2.1.3 16/02/2021   
#216         - scrollup Mark Goodyear MIT2.4.1 30/03/2015   
#217         - slick Ken Wheeler MIT1.8.1 03/10/2017   
#218         - slimscroll Piotr Rochala MIT & GPL- 11/06/2016   
#219         - validate Jörn Zaefferer MIT1.21.0 17/07/2024   210
#221 moment JS Foundation MIT2.26.0 2.30.120/05/2020   
#222 morris Olly Smith BSD-2-Clause0.5.1 15/06/2014   
#223 raphael Dmitry Baranovskiy MIT2.2.8 2.3.024/03/2019   
#224 select2 Kevin Brown & Igor Vaynberg MIT4.0.10 4.1.0-rc.028/08/2019   

Dans l'éventualité où l'un des créateurs aimerait éditer des informations présentes sur cette page :

I do my best to keep up to date your copyrights informations but unfortunately, i can't check it every days (there is tens libraries)
In case you find something wrong, feel free to contact me directly